MAYA : Hi Good morning everyone.
Student : hi
STUDENT: Where are you from?
MAYA : I come from Russia.
STUDENT: How long have you been here?
MAYA : I have been less than 4 years, more than 3 years and half.
STUDENT: Are you studing here?
MAYA : I studied an English course at TAFE 2 years ago. It was an English for Futher Studies(EFS) course.
STUDENT: How can you find your job?
MAYA : When I studied English course at TAFE the teacher helped me get a job.
STUDENT: What was your job in Russia?
MAYA : I worked in marketing analysis at an Insurance company.
STUDENT: Are you happy with your salary ?
MAYA : Yes, I am . Because my job is a second job in my family so it doesn't matter.
STUDENT: Do you enjoy it?
MAYA : Yes, I do. My job is very useful and helpful for students. And I like working
with people.
STUDENT: Do you want to study more?
MAYA : Yes, I'm planning to do a master course, but just planning. I'm not sure.
It is very hard to combine fulltime work, family and studing.
STUDENT: Are you working on the night shift?
MAYA : Yes, I work once a week 1pm to 8pm.
STUDENT: Are you training for your job?
MAYA : yes, I'm learning and study on the job. I attend many workshop.
STUDENT: Do you have family?
MAYA : yes, my husband and 3 kids.
STUDENT: What do you if there is complit on your job?
MAYA : we have a complain box so people can write it and put in the box. we follow
a set process.
STUDENT: Ok. Thank you for the answer.
MAYA : Thank you see you.